getting better can be fun!


so, How do we do it?

Firstly, we assess the body in a unique way by testing and analysing what’s your body is doing right now. This gives us a baseline to measure changes objectively.

Secondly, we perform simple strength and flexibility tests to assess any compensation patterns that’s your body has developed in order to survive.

Now we can set about activating the muscles to remind them what they should be doing and when. It’s a bit like rebooting your computer or putting a fuse back in an electrical circuit. 

We do this by massaging /manipulating various specific points around the body in order to access the nervous system and facilitate changes in muscle strength length and much more.

We may also use other manual therapy techniques and advise you on specific exercises and activities and other useful tips. Everything we do is tested, treated and re-tested, so both the therapist and the patient can feel and measure changes occurring that way we know what we are doing is working

Once you feel changes, and we can measure improvements, then we teach you, your partner or carer how to do this yourself. This way you have access to treatment whenever you need and in the comfort of your own home.

We know exercise helps with Parkinson’s, it is well documented, whether it’s individual or group exercise, table tennis, boxing or dancing etc. But, what if by resetting the nervous system first with activations, then, followed by exercises well that’s a whole new ballgame! 

It’s incredible, the results are instant, easily to reproduce yourself through self-activations. I genuinely don’t know where I would be without activations.
— Lizzie Carrington

Another example of the changes that we can facilitate in one treatment session. Just look at the difference in posture! When we do the right thing, the body responds immediately.

This is the power of muscle activations.